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What Happened at my Interview?

October 27, 2011

My interview at PDS Marin was very successful.  I met with my mentor, Lisa, and we discussed the days I would be going to do some work with certain clients.  I was also given some paperwork for the confidentiality of the staff and clients.  I was very comfortable at this interview because I already previously knew my mentor, and we were able to talk about extra possibilities of the work I would and could be doing.  It was decided that I would meet with the same clients and staff each week, two times a week, to work with them on whatever activities were planned for that day.  I would also be assigned extra projects on different days if anything were to come up.

After we discussed the general ideas of what was expected of me, I was introduced to the main staff I would be seeing at the office on a regular basis.  Jarrod, Daniel, and David are the other staff members I would be working with.  The clients I was assigned to are Kelly, Alex, Marc, Salle, Mike, and John Paul.  I was extremely excited to meet them on the days I would see them.

The one thing I loved about the interview is that it seems this organization is very open and outgoing.  Clients are able to walk in and out whenever they like and the programs offered to them are really amazing.  I am extremely lucky to actually work with them one-on-one.  During my interview with Lisa, we were interrupted by many clients just saying hi or looking for help.  Each interruption lengthened my interview, but I got to meet some of the clients I would be seeing regularly.  Each of them seemed very special in their own way.  Overall, my interview was extremely successful and played out the way I would have liked it to.

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